While reading chapter 6 I was kind of shocked on how far back the idea of assessment traveled. From Chinese civil service exams to present day OGT’s, exams have forever had an impact on most human beings. I am no exception. The first idea that impacted me as a student has been the idea of recitation. As a student I always hated being on the spot in front of the class, especially when I did not know what the answer to the question being asked to me was. I have always believed that there are better ways of assessing children than through recitation. In the same sentiment I do not think that high stakes testing is the best way to assess student either. In the same sense that recitation puts children “on the spot,” high stakes testing does the same thing. In 1845 testing began being switched from oral to written, which at least in my opinion was an improvement. I have always preferred the opportunity to sit down and think through things, as opposed to being forced to stand in front of a teacher or class and talk my way through questions.
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